The email that prompted this interview...
"I want to share with you that, thanks to the skills I'm learning from you, my short-term account is up 45% for the year…Today, I was able to withdraw from my short-term account enough money to cover a nice Christmas for the kids, plus other expenses that may arise between now and March, while leaving sufficient capital to continue trading. The numbers in your trading accounts go up and down, but they don't really mean much until they can do something in your life. This is the first withdrawal from my trading accounts, and therefore my first real success."
A follow up email he sent...
"Several months ago, when talking to a buddy of mine, I told him about your homework for us to practice patience. He was skeptical; what does that have to do with the market? I tried to explain that being a better person overall helps you to be a better trader. He remains unconvinced, but not me! I started reading the books you suggested and started my journey of personal growth at the end of July. I am now in a much better position physically (I've lost 25 pounds and am stronger than I've been in years), I got a promotion at work, have a better relationship with my kids, and my marriage is better than it has been in years."
Disclaimer: These results are not typical. I think we're all intelligent adults and we know there's no such thing as typical. Everybody's going to have different results. If you take no action, you will get no results. If you take intelligent action, you will get intelligent results. I will however tell you that these types of returns are not unusual and I have several student emails to prove it.
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